December 2022

As we prepare gifts for Hannukah and Christmas, the Giving Season provides a chance to also spend on causes we care about, to make a real change in the world. All year round NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief supports refugees, survivors of disasters and underserved populations. This year alone, NATAN has aided tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees, remote populations in Nepal, youth and women at risk, and migrants and asylum seekers in Israel. NATAN volunteers come from all over the world – with one common goal: to help people in need, wherever they are. Our aim is to rebuild lives and restore dignity – this week, this month, all through the year. You can help us in our vital work! Click here to donate.
NATAN in Nepal
Saving the lives of mothers and infants
NATAN volunteers are now in Dudhauli, Nepal in the fourth round of training for health workers and community volunteers, in collaboration with our partner Relief Nepal. This round of training covers Psychosocial Training and advanced Ultrasonography (USG) skills to promote prenatal health and safe childbirth. This training program saves lives, reduces infant mortality and deaths of women in childbirth, and empowers women to fight against Gender Based Violence. Read more here.

Cucuta, Colombia
The Center for Migrant Women
936 patients have received medical treatment so far
Providing psychosocial support in the Wellness Tent
Sharing vital information on migrant rights and resources
Of the six million Venezuelans who have left their country since 2013, nearly 2.5 million live in Colombia. The Center for Migrant Women in Cucuta offers a one-stop, holistic center for women and children who have been most impacted by the situation. NATAN enabled the construction and operation of this Center which includes a Medical Clinic and the Wellness Tent – providing information, support and psychosocial care. Read more here.

Ukraine: The National Resilience Program led by First Lady Olena Zelenska

NATAN has been chosen to lead the creation of three pilot Resilience Centers in Ukraine. NATAN will work inside Ukraine to integrate and coordinate services to the local population and Internally Displaced Persons in the area. Focusing on trauma and psychosocial help, the Centers will adapt the Israeli model of psychological first aid. Since the beginning of the war, NATAN has provided trauma care to refugees and trained 60 Ukrainian caregivers. The Ukrainian government has invited NATAN to lead this project because of our professionalism and valuable expertise. Stay tuned: more details about this project
will be published soon.

NATAN Mobile Dental Clinic
NATAN continues to operate its dental clinic in the Vehaavta center in Haifa. We bring dental care to the most underserved populations including women and youth at risk, asylum seekers and others who lack adequate medical coverage. Using state-of-the-art portable dental equipment which folds into several rolling cases, the mobile clinic can be set up anywhere, quickly and easily. In the coming months, NATAN will open a second clinic in Tel Aviv and launch a dental care and oral hygiene project in a developing country. We need your donation to purchase a new portable unit and supplies. Read more here.

NATAN US Tour – Autumn 2022
The main goals of this tour were: fundraising, strengthening ties
with supporters, and raising awareness of NATAN’s work among new audiences, including spreading the message of welcoming American volunteers. NATAN’s US-based Advisory Board invested great effort in organizing the events and meetings, which covered several cities and states. The main event was the benefit concert for NATAN at City Winery in New York City, where David Broza and Lisa Gutkin performed. Together with members of the Advisory Board, NATAN Chair, Danny Kahn, visited synagogues in New York, New Jersey and Chicago and met with partner organizations. A high point was the meeting with Ambassador Asaf Zamir, the Consul General of Israel in New York.

New York City, Nov 10, 2022: NATAN Advisory Board meets with Ambassador Asaf Zamir. Left to Right: Stephen Stulman, Marcella Rosen, Joe Berkowitz, Alan Silberstein, Asaf Zamir, Danny Kahn, Oliver Goldstein.

Special thanks to Marv Waldman and Alan Silberstein who organized the event; to Michael Dorf who donated the space at City Winery; to Lisa Gutkin and David Broza who donated their talent and energy; and to Dr. Steven Greenfield who spoke about his experience volunteering with NATAN to aid Ukrainian refugees in Poland.