MLK Day 2025
01/17/25 JUSTICE, EQUALITY, COMPASSION, DIGNITY NATAN dedicates this Newsletter to the memory of Martin Luther
Read the stories of our teams on life-saving missions around the world
01/17/25 JUSTICE, EQUALITY, COMPASSION, DIGNITY NATAN dedicates this Newsletter to the memory of Martin Luther
03/05/2024 AT HOME AND ABROAD, NATAN IS THERE From NATAN Chair, Daniel Kahn:“Peace to the
12/26/23 “THE COURAGE TO HOPE” From NATAN Chair, Daniel Kahn:I often draw inspiration from Rabbi
12/15/23 In the wake of October 7, NATAN established five clinics for evacuees from the
04/19/2024 IN STRENGTH AND SOLIDARITY, NATAN FINDS HOPE From NATAN Chair, Daniel Kahn: As families
05/15/2024 INDEPENDENCE DAY, 2024 From NATAN Chair, Daniel Kahn:On Yom HaShoah, I attended the remembrance
06/05/2024 A message for NATAN Insiders from the Chair, Danny Kahn.Dear friends,Alan Silberstein, Chair of
12/06/23 “Judaism and its culture of hope survived, and the Chanukah lights are the symbol
06/11/2024 GRATITUDE AND THE POWER OF MEMORY From NATAN Chair, Daniel Kahn:In Jewish theology, “Olam”