Call for Volunteers: Guatemala

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Volunteers are needed for immediate deployment to Guatemala

To provide Psychosocial Relief in rural communities hit hard by two hurricanes last November, 2020

Local women talk about traumatic experience at one of community meetings conducted by NATAN volunteers. Therapy Cards help to process emotions and memories tied to trauma.

Local women talk about traumatic experience at one of community meetings conducted by NATAN volunteers. Therapy Cards help to process emotions and memories tied to trauma.

JOIN our next delegation for the Guatemala Operation!

Departure is scheduled for July 10th, 2021 –for a  2-to-3 week deployment.

The main mission is:

  • Training community leaders to prepare for and deal with disasters

  • Group interventions to address post trauma stress and strengthen personal and community’s resilience

  • Training primary school teachers to help children react to disaster

Skills required:

  • Formal professional training and experience working with individuals, groups and communities in emergencies and disasters

  • Familiarity and ability for direct intervention and guidance in models and protocols for mental first aid in an emergency

  • Personal experience and skills of working in an unfamiliar cultural environment

  • Familiarity and experience in community work in emergency situations (experience working with emergency teams)

  • Fluent Spanish a plus

If you think that you are suitable for this Mission, please send your resume and cover letter to Anat Belluco Feinkuchen immediately


If you can’t leave on a Mission now, but might be interested in joining our future operations, please fill in the Volunteers Form on our website and we’ll notify you about next deployments.

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