
NATAN dedicates this Newsletter to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. on his 96th birthday.
Dr. King’s legacy of justice, equality, and compassion continues to inspire our work in 2025. His unwavering support for the Jewish people and Israel highlights shared values of dignity and inclusion, reminding us of the power of solidarity in building a better future.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a close ally of Dr. King, once said, “I felt my legs were praying,” reflecting the profound spiritual connection in their fight for justice and civil rights. Today, as the world faces persistent inequalities, stark climate challenges, and refugee crises, King’s call for unity and systemic change remains vital.
As we witness a long-awaited ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and the release of hostages after 15 long months of war, we mourn the countless victims on both sides and pray for the recovery of the wounded.
Dr. King’s vision of peace built on justice encourages us to keep working toward understanding, compassion, and a future where every life is valued. His dream is our mission: to turn compassion into action, build bridges of understanding, and work tirelessly toward a future where dignity and freedom prevail for all.

Daniel Kahn (l), Gil Reines (r)
NATAN Chair Daniel Kahn has served as NATAN’s public face for over a decade, leading projects and spear-heading humanitarian campaigns on four continents.
With immense appreciation and respect, we acknowledge Danny’s vision, dedication, commitment and profound warmth, and we are grateful that he will continue to serve on the NATAN Board.
We are delighted to announce that Gil Reines, a long-serving NATAN volunteer, will step up as Chair.
A retired IDF and commercial flight pilot, as well as a former director of Community Centers, Gil has led numerous NATAN field teams in response to natural disasters and emergencies affecting war survivors. His outstanding humanitarian and managerial expertise, along with his mediation skills, make him the ideal leader for NATAN’s next chapter. Among his many contributions, Gil created and oversees NATAN’s dental projects.
Thank you, Danny, and welcome, Gil.

During the last quarter of 2024, NATAN served as Population Cluster Lead for the Nazareth Emergency Room of The National Committee of Arab Local Authorities. NATAN coordinated efforts with 14 local Arab municipal authorities to educate first-line professionals — aid workers and social workers in particular — in first aid and essential psychosocial strategies to mitigate trauma on the Northern border of Israel.
As the situation in the North moves from urgent emergency to greater calm, NATAN is working with the municipalities on processing trauma experienced during the emergency and on improving preparedness for upcoming emergencies. Your generous support advances this essential, bridge-building work.

Please visit NATAN’s updated website, www.NATANrelief.org, to learn how you can be a part of the NATAN community and contribute to our work.