February 2023

Turkey called. We answered: NATAN’s team of medical and trauma relief experts wrap up their vital mission to aid earthquake survivors.

15-FEB-23- NATAN Dr. Sharon Shaul begins intake of patients at field clinic in a remote village in Adiyaman Province, Turkey, together with local partner,Turk Tabipleri Birligi (Emergency Medical NGO)
NATAN professionals brought medicines, healed wounds and saved lives,
but as important or maybe even more so, they kept hope alive.

15-FEB-23 – NATAN doctor arrives to set up field clinic in a remote village in Adiyaman Province, Turkey, following the earthquakes of Feb. 6th To learn more about our operation, please click here.

15-FEB-23, Adiyaman, Turkey – Above: NATAN MD Dr. Sharon Shaul uses portable butterfly UltraSound device to examine a survivor of the Feb 6 earthquake. Below: NATAN MDs Yoav Carsenty, Hilla Rosen, and Sharon Shaul examine and treat earthquake survivors: from the tiniest infants to the respected village elders.

Helping the Helpers
Sharing our expertise on resilience and healing from within

NATAN’s Dr. Einav Levy provided crucial resilience training to the medical staff at the Adiyaman University Hospital, who are severely strained and fatigued from 10 days of round-the-clock work. In addition to sheer exhaustion, the staff deal with the stressful scenes played out daily in the overcrowded hospital. The training provided much-needed respite from the extreme stress. Dr. Levy provided two rounds of training which included trauma intervention techniques, psychological first aid and tools for healing and self-care. Dr. Levy, a longtime member of NATAN, is Head of the Trauma Division at the School of Social Work at Tel Hai Academic College, and Founding Director of The Israeli School of Humanitarian Action. Dr. Levy is seen here at right, together with NATAN local coordinator Didem Kumbaroglu (left) and Dr. Fazil Kivanc Aydinalp, Head of Emergency Services at Adiyaman University Hospital (center).
Click here to learn more about our Earthquake Relief Operation.
An orderly handover, receiving thanks, leaving behind life-saving gifts

NATAN medical team present a gift of Butterfly Portable UltraSound Device and iPhone to Emergency Services MD Fazil Kivanc Aydinalp at the Adiyaman University Hospital in southeastern Turkey. The device is the gift of the JDC Joint. As NATAN’s medical relief team prepares to return home to Israel, they turn the reins over to the local medical team.
16-FEB-23 – Adiyaman Province, Turkey

16-2-23 NATAN MDs sort and organize life-saving medicines and supplies which will be donated to the local hospital, as the team prepares to hand over emergency medical operations to the local team.

NATAN MD Yoav Carsenty pitches in: In addition to treating patients, Dr. Carsenty grabbed a shovel and dug a drainage canal as the team helped set up tents for homeless earthquake survivors.