June 2022
NATAN Receives “Changing the World” Award
NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief was granted the Changing the World Award, by the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset). NATAN Chair, Danny Kahn, accepted the award from MK Meir Cohen, Minister of Welfare in a ceremony at the Israel Parliament in Jerusalem. Click here to read more.

Changing the World 2022 cermony at the Israel Parliament, May 30, 2022
Left to Right: NATAN members Itzik Aharoni, Gil Reines and Chair Danny Kahn; Benjamin Laniado, Secretary General of Cadena – a longtime NATAN partner
Dr. Valeria – One Refugee’s Success Story
Until the war, Dr. Valeria Zayats ran a first aid station in her hometown of Chernihiv, Ukraine, She survived the siege of her city and then escaped to Poland with her daughter. NATAN’s team adopted Valeria and today she is rebuilding her life, working as a full time doctor again. Click here to read more.

Rebuilding her life with dignity: Dr. Valeria at work in the clinic (above) and (below) second from left, with the NATAN team in the Refugee Center. Przemysl, Poland

The Human Touch
NATAN Social Worker Svetlana Labunets comforting a refugee in Przemysl, Poland, May 2022

Meanwhile in Nepal . . .

NATAN Midwife Irit Nadel Dotan leads training sessions on safe birthing techniques in Dudhauli, Nepal in May 2022.

NATAN instructors Dr. Yaron Assaf and Jenny Sharma lead training sessions on advanced first aid in Dudhauli, Nepal in May 2022.
Night training exercise on advanced first aid in Dudhauli, Nepal, May 2022.