Gaza Update Hanukkah 2023

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"Judaism and its culture of hope survived, and the Chanukah lights are the symbol of that survival, of Judaism’s refusal to jettison its values for the glamour and prestige of a secular culture. A candle of hope may seem a small thing, but on it the very survival of a civilization may depend."

In times of darkness, we seek light.
The lesson of Chanukah is light’s persistence, despite every material and metaphysical obstacle — and the dedication of the Jewish people, over centuries, to knowledge, light, gratitude and care.
The light of religious freedom must prevail over intolerance; hope must prevail over despair. We are our brothers’ keepers.
Please help NATAN with your generous support.

"A single candle can both defy and define the darkness.”

"Start again, I heard them say, The birds they sang, at the break of day... There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in."

Watch this space next week for news on:
* NATAN’s bustling clinic in Eilat
* NATAN projects in Israel with overseas partners
* Resilience-building and more, at NATAN’s clinic near the Dead Sea
* Photos from the Ofakim Resilience Center
* Reflections from NATAN volunteers
* A new, short, shareable NATAN video
Visit our website to learn more about NATAN’s work.
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