Our Last year - 5776

 5776 has been quite intense for NATAN with two main operations: the medical and psychosocial relief in Nepal after the earthquake, followed by the cycle of trainings in the Dahding district, and the help to the Middle-East refugees on the Balkan route.

This last year more than sixty volunteers took an active part in Natan’s humanitarian effort, all experienced professionals. The operation for the Syrian refugees brought to our volunteer’s community many newcomers of the Israeli-Arab professionals. More than ever before, Natan integrates Jews, Muslim and Christians in the endeavor to help the neediest.

It has also been the proper time to strengthen the organization by a strategic process, completed by a plan for the coming years and by strong partnerships in the training of volunteers.


NATAN- member profile Nagat Yassin


I pray for you my dear Syrian heroes. Kamil Malshy